Friday 22 January 2016

Summer Learning Journey W2:D9

  1. The name of your favourite subject
  2. Why it is your favourite subject
    I enjoy maths as it is easy to learn and understand. It’s not as complicated as reading and writing.

A day in the life of…….

Pt England Timetable
C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Example of a Malaysian Middle School Timetable.png
Malaysian Timetable

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stevenson,

    It is quite fitting that you posted about school life today as there is just one more week of summer holidays left before you're officially back at PT England School. I hope that you're looking forward to coming back and seeing your friends and teachers again! I know that I used to really look forward to the first day of a new school year. Everything is so fresh and exciting!

    I used to enjoy buying my back to school clothes and stationary supplies as well. In Canada we didn't ever wear uniforms so it was quite a big deal when school started again as we had to do a really big 'back to school' clothes shopping trip. My sister and I would take hours to decide what we wanted to buy for the year. It was really hard to know what to get because you wanted to choose things that were cool but also items that were somewhat unique. I must admit that I much prefer the idea of school uniforms. It seems to simplify everything!

    On that note, I hope that you've got your uniform ready and that you're starting to think ahead to the new year. Hopefully you will learn a lot of great new things, particularly in maths. (I loved math in school, too. In Canada we call it 'math' rather than 'maths.' I'm not sure why...)

    Hope that you continue to blog over the next week as well. There is still plenty of time to earn points and to complete fun activities for the Summer Learning Journey. The last official day of the programme is 26 January.

    Wishing you a lovely day :)

